Friday, March 29, 2013

"Is This Heaven?" "'s Iowa....."


Hello, everyone and welcome to this week's action packed blog!

I'm kidding.

Now, I certainly don't want to give Iowa or Des Moines a bad rap, but I will preface the rest of this blog by saying that there was not a whole lot of excitement this week. That said, the highlights of the week are pretty extraordinary. And, even if the week was a little "boring" or laid back...we will certainly need it before we head into the hectic week in Memphis.

We left Atlanta bound for the Midwest yet again, and for what was hopefully our lady stint with winter. But, Iowa certainly had some cold in store for us. The days hovered just barely above freezing, and the nights dropped below it.  We even had our last taste of snow (video below). 

Tuesday was a relatively uneventful day, but opening night was pretty amazing.  The audiences in Des Moines were easily in the top 5 of ALL of the cities we have been to thus far.  We had an opening night party across the street at a seafood place called Splash following the performance, and then headed back home in the bitter cold. 

We layed pretty low on Wednesday, and Thursday.  

On Friday morning, I went on a short trek to buy the newly released Les Miserables movie on DVD, and then picked up Ben to make a monumental buy him his first baseball glove.  There was a mall pretty close to us, so I took him to Scheels, a GIGANTIC sporting goods store, where we had a plethora of glove choices.  After we picked one out for him, I decided to get another one for myself....I had always wanted a 1st base mitt, so I got one! (picture above).  A bunch of us headed into work early to rehearse for our upcoming week in Memphis. Austin and Billy wrote some fantastic songs for Cody, and so the majority of the cast was asked to either play or sing back ups for him (pictures above). It proves to be an amazing time and a highlight of our week in Memphis. That night, I was lucky enough to go on as Sam Phillips and experience the amazing audiences for myself.  It went extremely well, and I couldn't have been more pleased with the evening.  I even collected for BC/EFA (more on that later). 

Saturday was pretty slow, but I certainly made up for it on Sunday, having a rehearsal with Corey and James for MY Sun session in between shows, and I even got to go on for BOTH shows as Johnny Cash!!  Again, the audiences were just unreal.  And the response I got while collecting afterward really warmed my heart.  Before our rehearsal, I treated James and Corey to Fong's Pizza; now there's a brilliant idea....chinese food on pizza.  My crab rangoon pizza was pretty amazing, and I'm glad I didn't pass up the opportunity to go.

To top off the amazing audiences we had in Des Moines, they also helped us to raise what I believe was a one week record for us on tour....$28,500....which is pretty amazing.  Again, it's just so amazing to be a part of such an important fundraising effort.  Stay tuned for how much we raise when it's all said and done!

The week, overall, was lowkey.  But, that was probably a good thing considering our insane week coming up in Memphis, where I am writing you from as we speak.  I don't want to spoil a thing, so I will bid you adieu for now.  I hope everyone is having a great early spring!!!

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